User's building reports
Building reports: Ships
- 15k posts
Report here of ongoing or already finished ship building activities. To keep a report connected it is intended that only the author should write here, please add your comments in section "Comments to building reports: Ships".
This area is for all users of all skills, please don't be afraid of any high level report. We all started as beginners.
- SRB "HECHT" von Graupner
- Last reply by Andreas58,
Comments to Building reports: Ships
- 32.1k posts
This is the area to ask about a specific building report or add a comment.
To get the connection to a building report, please use the same title and add "Comment to..." A link at the first entry of the building report (or even at the end of each new entry) makes it easier to move to this comment area.
If there are any questions regarding materials, building hints etc. or comprehension question either use the specific comment area or any other appropriate part of this forum
- Kommentare zu SRB HECHT
- Last reply by Steinbeisser,
Building reports: Other
- 159 posts
Report here of ongoing or already finished building activities of different kind with some reference to ships. To keep a report connected it is intended that only the author should write here, please add your comments in section "Comments to building reports: Ships".
This area is for all users of all skills, please don't be afraid of any high level report. We all started as beginners.
- (M)ein Luxusproblem oder wie betreibe ich ein Modell an 2 Sendern (2G4)
- Last reply by Ralph Cornell,
Comments to Building reports: Other
- 189 posts
This is the area to ask about a specific building report or add a comment.
To get the connection to a building report, please use the same title and add "Comment to..." A link at the first entry of the building report (or even at the end of each new entry) makes it easier to move to this comment area.
- Kommentare zum Baubericht «Xoffs SchiffsModellbauWerkstatt»
- Last reply by Peter_S_aus_O,